Tuesday, 4 April 2017

A tribute

Tonight, I choose not to follow the daily prompt. Tonight, I pay tribute to those who cared regardless of race or creed during the most devastating war our world has seen, World War II.

I've just arrived home from watching The Zookeeper's Wife, which has inspired me to write. It should be compulsory viewing for all living, breathing souls. My heart was in my throat the entire time and many tears where shed, both during and after the movie. It is heartbreaking, breathtaking, magnificent storytelling at its very finest.

We can never know

We can never know
No, not even try to understand
Your pain
Your fear
Your loss

Yet you put yourself aside
Selflessly giving
Keeping secrets
Hiding deep-seated emotions
Behind masks of fake smiles
To keep friends safe

How can we even think
That we understand 
The shame of your lies
Your anxiety of showing
The slightest flicker 
Of truth in your eyes

We will never understand 
Your kind of hunger
Your sacrifices
Your worries
Your sleepless nights
To keep lives from death

Yet our leaders still play games 
Still push boundaries
But hope the world 
Will never come to that again

If only we could understand 

Andrea Vermaak

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