Monday, 8 April 2019


Today's challenge is really challenging to say the least! We are challenged 'to think about the argot of a particular job or profession' and try to 'incorporate it into a metaphor that governs or drives' the poem.

I have chosen to use a phrase doctors usually use as code to indicate that a patient is expected to pass away soon. However, I want to use this phrase in a tongue-in-cheek manner, presenting it as a pun.

Circling the drain

The eight-legged critter
stood its ground
as the shower 
poured over it

It clung to 
the shower curtain,
but I did not give up either

It slid 
a victory!

No, its stubborn 
feet gripped
the bath's peeling enamel

Surely one last blast
of hot water
would send it swimming?

A pummelling 
of torrents
– at last! 
sent it spiralling,
circling the drain

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