Sunday, 27 April 2014

Terza rima

A challenge is to write a poem in terza rima, a form invented by Dante, which he used in The Divine Comedy. It consists of three-line stanzas, with a 'chained' rhyme scheme. In other words, the first stanza is ABA, the second is BCB, the third CDC, and so forth. A particular meter is unnecessary, however, many English poets tend to use iambic pentameter. A common way of ending a poem in terza rima is with a single line, which rhymes with the middle line of the preceding three-line stanza.

My poem is a little nostalgic, as I think of my many friends who have immigrated to distant lands, as well as all the friends I have had to leave behind during my travels...

I once knew you
I once knew you well,
We'd laugh and cry
At the stories we'd tell
Now from far away I sigh -
It was the most difficult thing
To say goodbye
But one day I will once more sing,
When we once more together are,
For you do all my happiness bring
For now, I'll miss you from afar.
Andrea Vermaak

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