Today I am going to have a bit of fun, challenging myself to write in the style of a few poems to which I have recently been reintroduced in my readings. I will also write a few poems prompted by our hostess.
Firstly, I wish to write an ode. An ode is a poem which praises or glorifies 'an event or individual, describing nature intellectually as well as emotionally'.
I will take cue from the classic ode, structured in three major parts: the strophe, the antistrophe and the epode. However, I will use the English ode's most common rhyme scheme (also used by John Keats in his famous odes): ABABCDECDE. Keats also makes use of iambic pentameter. I'll do my best...
I will use a prompt from a dear cousin to write a humorous piece dedicated to one of my favourite subjects (read 'obsession'): cheese.
Ode to Cheese
Oh yellow goodness mild, potent and sweet
On all occasions do we eat you oft',
You're lovely melted and poured over meat,
You're wonderful crumbly, hardened and soft;
Often do we eat you on toasted bread,
We like to cut you into thick slices,
In a pot we melt you with herbs and wine,
For sarmies we love you as a thick spread,
Sometimes we add pepper, salt and spices -
In any form with you we'd like to dine.
Since I discovered you, I loved you much,
Of all your flavours I love gouda most,
If ever I am craving cheese as such
I grab some bread and make a piece of toast;
I cut thick slices of your golden glow,
Add lemon pepper and watch 'til you melt,
Until your deliciousness starts ooze,
Then I grab you and eat you on the go;
More delight have I very seldom felt,
Of you my friend, I will not dare to lose.
Now that I have declared my love for you,
Now that I can't think of more words to write,
I do, dear cheese, hope that you love me too,
As very little are you out of sight;
For breakfast, I'll make sure that you are there,
For lunch, I'll take you to my favourite park
Where I'll eat you melted over my fries;
For dinner we'll dine with fine wine and flair,
For cheese must always be there after dark,
And I will never to you say goodbye.
Andrea Vermaak
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