Sunday, 1 April 2018

How do I love thee?

It is that time of the year again: Global Poetry Writing Month (otherwise affectionately known as GloPoWriMo, or if you're in the States, NaPoWriMo, as April was originally National Poetry Writing Month before it spread globally).

Today's prompt is to write a poem in the form of a love an object. Let us see if you can guess what I love with all my heart before you get to the end...

My dearest

You're a sweet delight
Though your coldness sometimes
Hurts me

You're smooth and rich
But that does not unnerve me

You complement almost all temptations
Though sometimes
All I want is you

You're there in good times and in bad,
You've never let me down

I love you
My delicious delight,
My cone of shame,
My ice cream

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