Tuesday 7 April 2020

Hear all about it!

Today's prompt can't be closer to my heart. As a qualified journalist and poet at heart, I can't not appreciate a prompt to write a poem based on a news article. I really like one of the suggested articles from which to draw inspiration: "Publo Escobar's 'Cocaine Hippos' May Be Restoring Colombia's Ecosystem".

There's a hippo in my lake

There's a hippo in my lake;
I lie - there's four

I bought them with blood money
just because I thought it funny

There's a hippo in my lake;
I lie again - there's six

Soon there will be many
and I wouldn't have to spend a penny

There's a hippo in my lake;
I lie - there's more

Soon, they'll all wreak havoc
in water and on shore

There's a hippo in my lake;
when I'm gone, there'll be scores

Perhaps they'll restore balance;
perhaps surprise us all.

Andrea Vermaak © 2020

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