Saturday 11 April 2020

The language of flowers

Today's prompt "is based on the concept of the language of flowers." We are challenged "to write a poem in which one or more flowers take on specific meanings." We may make use of the recommended glossary of flower meanings or create our own meanings. I like the traditional meanings, so I'm going to use them.

The neighbourhood

Cobæa creeps over the walls,
through fences
and onto balconies

But my garden grows
white chrysanthemums

I refuse to speak 
under the white cherry trees,
or lie beneath the bladder nut tree

I will not walk among the bugloss,
but among the borus henricus
and beneath the acacias

Andrea Vermaak © 2020

Cobæa = gossip
White chrysanthemums = truth
Bluebells = constancy
White cherry tree = deception
bladder nut tree = frivolity, amusement
Bugloss = falsehood
Borus henricus = goodness
Acacia = friendship

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