Thursday 2 April 2020

A special place

Our prompt today is to write a poem about a specific place, incorporating concrete details as much as possible. I know exactly what I want to write about!

The Scotsman's Lounge

Near the steep top of Cockburn Street,
close to The Royal Mile,
lay a cosy pub of sorts
that always makes me smile

See, every Sunday night at eight
the wee pub became full;
when Andy Chung began to play
you couldn't help leave your stool

We'd sing, we'd dance
and drink cheap ale;
an old wee lass would jive and jig,
her cheeks were flushed, not pale

Sid would dance with her at times,
he'd dance with everyone;
the warm, stale air would rise,
but no one would go home

Andy would play 'til midnight came
and we'd reluctantly move out,
the cold, crisp air felt colder still
with winter still about

I miss that time in Edinburgh;
all seemed right with my world,
but I'm grateful to have spent time there;
how else could these memories be told?

Andrea Vermaak © 2020

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