Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Life is a metaphor

It may be day six of a 21-day COVID-19 lockdown in South Africa, but it is the first day of National Poetry Writing Month again! It is an annual challenge which I excitedly anticipate each year because it stretches and hones my poetry writing skills like none other.

Today's challenge is to write a self-portrait poem in which we "make a specific action a metaphor" for our lives; "one that typically isn't done all that often, or only in specific circumstances."

I think this challenge is very apt given the worldwide crisis we are facing because many of us are working from home, socially distancing and generally rethinking the way in which we live.

As excruciating as social distancing and isolation may be to some (I do respect this - truly), I am enjoying the peace and quiet that is much needed after many rough months in my life. Therefore, I would like to write a poem on a lighter note - from a positive perspective - using various figures of speech.

When Life became a hermit

Life became a hermit,
huddled in her flat,
safe from strange happenings

She washed the dishes,
and dusted at midday;
saved her leftover lunches

Life played her music
and danced all around
between her many emails

She sat on the grass,
sketching a tiny clover,
enjoying the afternoon sun

Life watched movies,
and had video chats,
playing D&D with friends

She did not mind
the peace, the quiet;
in-between the busy times

Andrea Vermaak © 2020

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